It’s not always easy, to feel called to be a See(k)er. Yet, in my own experience, and also from what I have seen in my work with others, exploring your inner depths can lead you to discover new and more fulfilling ways to connect with yourself and others, it can bring you in touch with a sense of inner empowerment and help you create a more meaningful and congruent life, it can unleash your creative expression, and it can even lead to unexpected experiences of reconciliation, healing and transformation.
See(k)er’s Journeys involve a spirit of curiosity and exploration. This may bring up a mix of feelings, both exciting and edgy, because it is often about going towards the unknown, towards that which feels outside your familiar experience or identity. The way this looks is different for everyone: it depends on your life’s trajectory and what you meet on the way and what you are called to explore.
But whatever it looks like, it will involve ‘crossing edges,’ like for example: exploring new ways of relating, having a courageous conversation, looking at a part of yourself that’s maybe not easy to see, bringing out your unique voice, learning to say no, and so forth.
The benefit of this process of crossing edges is that it is the way through which we build our inner power. Throughout the See(k)er’s Journey I will give guidance on how to work with your edges.
The See(k)er’s Journey described below is inspired by the original template of the “Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell. I adapted it specifically for See(k)ers based on the universal and archetypal themes in different stages of my own journey of transformation as well as my four decades of working with transformational processes in others. Because it is a standalone term, just like pilot or doctor, the term See(k)er should be taken here as applying to all genders and non-genders.
I will populate each step with more content over time so if you don’t find right away what you’re looking for, keep checking back in, or feel free to drop me a question and I may address it in one of my next newsletters.
The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves
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